Ana Pepelnik


Ana Pepelnik, Zoë Skoulding



Nobenega vetra. Samo občasni
sunki zraka ki jih je sprožila taščica.
Čisto zraven mene. Za nami
je cel teden sprehajanja med bloki.

Dol in gor po ulici parkrat na dan.
Še vedno ima vsak svoj vrt.
Pridno ga obdelujejo če niso v stiski.
Grede polne špinače ki je

nobeden ne skuha.

الإنتاج المسموع: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2010


No wind. Just episodic shakes
of  air released by a robin.
Right beside me. We left a whole week
of walking between blocks of flats behind us.

Up and down the street several times a day.
People still have their own gardens.
They take good care of them if they’re not too busy.
Vegetable plots full of spinach

that nobody cooks.

Translated by Ana Pepelnik and Zoë Skoulding