Donata Berra


Ramona Lofton, Sapphire


[Eccoti scarlatta primavera]

Eccoti scarlatta primavera
vieni e soccorri prima che ritorni
la tenèbra notte
a riaprire la memoria, a trattenere
l'assenso, fioco, al germogliare

e fosse solo pure
di quiete begonie domestiche.

© Donata Berra
من: unveröffentlichtem Manuskript
الإنتاج المسموع: 2001 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[There you are scarlet spring]

There you are scarlet spring
come and help
before the night's darkness returns
to reopen the mind, to hold back
the weak consent to the germination

and if it was only
the silent domestic begonias.

English version by Sapphire/Ramona Lofton

© 2001 by Sapphire/Ramona Lofton

printed by permission of the author