Tsead Bruinja


David Colmer


[fjouwerjend kaam er út syn lêste dream...] (fy)

fjouwerjend kaam er út syn lêste dream
as in roastige ridder op in wytferve hynder
mei in hurde kul en boadskip foar syn wiif
dat er fijn oer har fantasearre hie

sy wosk syn piipjende pak leafdefol yn in bad
mei cola massearre mei boarstels fan blein
har hurde hannen it wyt út syn wiid iepentearde hynstelea
holp him hymjend op it hynder en wiisde him it paad

syn skerpe bonken dy't ûnder de grouwe bealch
sawat troch it teare fel hinne stutsen rattelen as
in âld blikje skuonsmarsel mei in kniper yn it achtertsjel
tsjin de binnenkant fan it blinkjend poetste harnas

in ripe apel rôle yn `e tromp oer de mei spek beleine bôle
fan de iene nei de oare kant wie syn lâns glêd skjirre
de punten slipe hy sobbe om op it muntsje op syn tonge
en streake it sadel yn it fet

en ik woe oant de wjukken him brekke soenen
neat mear fan in wrâld om ús hinne fernimme
woe meirinne mei syn wyld giseljende mûnen

oan it gleone ein ta

© T.B. / Bornmeer
من: De wizers yn it read
Leeuwarden: Bornmeer, 2000
الإنتاج المسموع: NLPVF, 2005

[he galloped out of his final dream]

he galloped out of his final dream
like a rusty knight on a white-washed horse
with a rigid dick and tidings for his wife
of the joy he’d found in fantasies of her

lovingly she washed his screeching suit in a bath
of coke with whalebone brushes in callused hands
she massaged the white from his open stallion’s body
helped him panting onto his horse and showed him the way

his sharp bones almost poking through the frail skin
beneath his paunch rattling against the inside
of his gleaming suit of armour like a spoke-
driven peg on a shoe-polish tin

a ripe apple rolled in the box over the bacon sandwich
from one side to the other his lance was sanded smooth
the points sharp he sucked the peppermint on his tongue
and rubbed oil into his saddle

until the sails broke him I didn’t want to hear
a word about a world around us I wanted to walk
together with his fiercely spinning mills

until the hot horizon

Translated from the author’s Dutch translation by David Colmer