Inger-Mari Aikio

السامي الشمالى

Johanna Domokos



don jearat
makkárat min soagŋovierut
dološ jáhkut, sieiddit

in dieđe
ja heahpanan

jeara baicce
makkárat suopmelaččaid
vierut ja osku

de dieđán
ja heahpanan

© Inger-Mari Aikio
من: Roađđi – Rosa Boreal – Boreal Rose
Helsinki: Sivuvalo project, 2016
الإنتاج المسموع: Haus für Poesie, 2019

[you, Sicilian]

you, Sicilian,
ask me
about our wedding customs
our old beliefs,
our stone altars
I do not know them
and I feel ashamed
ask me rather
about the Finnish customs
what they believe
I do know those
and I feel ashamed

translated by Johanna Domokos