



VSE PTICE السلوفانية

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VELIKI ČRNI BIK السلوفانية

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KEPA PEPELA السلوفانية

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[ZA VSE BOŠ PLAČAL] السلوفانية

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ASSKALLA السلوفانية

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UTOPLJENKA السلوفانية

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ISTI السلوفانية

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BESEDE V DEŽ السلوفانية

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Dane Zajc 

Foto © Jože Suhadolnik
* 26.10.1929, Zgornja Javorščica , سلوفينيا
20.10.2005, Ljubljana, سلوفينيا

Dane Zajc, born in 1929 near the village of Moravče, a poet, essayist and playwright who, until his retirement, worked as a librarian in Ljubljana.

Considered the doyen of postwar poets, he was active in the foundation of numerous literary magazines, including Review 57, Problems and Perspectives, which he also edited. He also writes for children; his poetic dramas or dramatic poems are his special field. Poetry: Požgana trava (Burnt Grass, 1958), Jezik iz zemlje (Tongue from the Ground, 1961), Ubijavci kač (Snake Killers, 1968, Pesmi (Poems, 1974), Rožengruntar (1974), Pesmi (with Strniša and Kovič, 1976), Si videl (Did you see, 1979), Zarotitve (Conjurations, 1985), Dol dol (Down down, 1998). Drama: Otroka reke (Children of the River, 1963), Potohodec (The Wanderer, 1971), Voranc (1978), Mlada Breda (Young Breda, 1981), Kalevala (1986), Medeja (1988), Grmače (Rocky Peak, 1994).

As one of the best contemporary Slovene poets he has won all important national literary awards.