Bartomeu Fiol 




La poesia no pot limitar-se al llenguatge الكاتالوينية

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No ens mourem d’aquí الكاتالوينية

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Ni són tan difícils els nostres bonyeguts frontals الكاتالوينية

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Bartomeu Fiol 

Foto © private
* 12.11.1933, Palma, أسبانيا
08.08.2011, أسبانيا

Bartomeu Fiol (1933) has a degree in Political Science. He has worked in the hotel and catering business, as a bookseller and cultural promoter. He was president of the cultural association Obra Cultural Balear (1990 – 1992), and has published numerous opinion pieces in the press.

His poetry has figured prominently on the Catalan poetry scene in the Balearic Islands since the publication of his first book Calaloscans (Dogcove, 1966).

 Foto © private
A disciple of Blai Bonet and Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel, he was a member of Llorenç Villalonga’s literary circle that met in the Cafè Riskal in Palma in the 1950s, although he is essentially a solitary poet who has developed his work outside the aesthetic trends of the day.

In 1999, he published the anthology Tot jo és una exageració (Quaranta-nou textos orals perifèrics) [I Am All Exaggeration (Forty-nine Peripheral Oral Texts)], and began to assemble his complete poetic oeuvre in Camps de marina i suburbials:

obra poètica 1 (Marine and Suburban Fields: Poetic Work 1, 2000),

Cròniques bàrbares: obra poètica 2 (Barbarian Chronicles: Poetic Work 2, 1999) and Canalla lluny de Grècia: obra poètica 3 (Scoundrel Far from Greece: Poetic Work 3, 2001).

“For Fiol, the limits are in literature itself, and syntagmas and their sequence do not ever make us have a dream or figure out a request that is so effective that it makes the Madonnas or angels act, recurring pretexts of an incomplete hope. In the limits, however, he defends the inscrutable, notwithstanding the difficulty of combat. The lethargy for the difficulties of language is expressed in the parody and humour of some Baroque-like plays on language, ever on the border of modernity and the vast legacy of tradition.” Susanna Rafart

  • Calaloscans


    Palma: Daedalus, 1966

  • Catàleg de matèries

    [‘Catalogue of Materials’]

    Palma: El Tall, 1998

  • Cave carmina, cape canes

    Palma: Moll, 1998

  • Cròniques bàrbares. Obra poètica 2

    [‘Barbarian Chronicles: Poetic Work 2’]

    Barcelona: Proa, 1999

  • Camps de marina i suburbials. Obra poètica 1

    [‘Marine and Suburban Fields: Poetic Work 1’]

    Barcelona: Proa, 2000

  • Canalla lluny de Grècia. Obra poètica 3

    [‘Scoundrel Far from Greece: Poetic Work 3]

    Barcelona: Proa, 2001

  • Càbales del call

    [‘Khabbalas of the Ghetto’]

    Barcelona: Proa, 2005

  • Continuació o represa del poemes de Montsouris

    [‘Continuation of the poems of Montsouris]

    Barcelona: Proa, 2007

  • D'un cànon socarrat. Materials de 1957 i 1958

    Palma: Lleonard Muntaner, 2009

  • 1969 Premi Ciutat de Palma-Joan Alcover de poesia

  • 1999 Premi Cavall Verd-Josep M. Llompart de poesia

  • 2000 Premi Crítica Serra d'Or de poesia

  • 2004 Premi Carles Riba

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